The 12th of May is Mother’s Day in most countries in the world. A day where we give our moms extra love, a present, flowers or breakfast in bed. Because being a mom is a big job, especially when diabetes is involved. Paloma, who is also known by the online handle of Glitter Glucose, writes about this: a special thank you for all the moms affected by Type 1 Diabetes.
To all the mothers who have children with diabetes:
Thank you to all the mamas. I know you have a tough job, one of the toughest jobs in the world. Your heart broke when your child was given the diagnosis of a chronic illness. Somehow you pushed through and your true strength showed. You take care of your children and act as a full-time pancreas. Your purse is filled with syringes, low snacks, insulin, and you are always ready for that unexpected site change. You plan your life around doctors appointments, trips to the pharmacy, and calls to the insurance company.
You make life-saving decisions every minute of the day. And you do it all with very little sleep because of those late-night highs, lows and alarms! Why do you do it? Because of the love you have for your child. It takes an extraordinary person to balance it all like you do. Somehow you find the strength every single day to keep fighting this disease alongside us. We couldn’t do it without you!
To all the Type 1 women who have become mothers:
Your life with diabetes shows your resilience. You have been pushed to your limits and tested in many ways. Life with diabetes teaches you very valuable lessons. Through diabetes you have learned patience, strength, and discipline. Now you have been blessed with a child. To become a mother while living with Type 1 is an example of true determination. The amount of care and discipline that a woman has to go through for an average pregnancy is tremendous already but adding type 1 to the mix, WOW you deserve a round of applause!
The tough part isn’t even over yet because you know being a mom is the hardest job in the world! Now that your blessing is here, you can implement all the strength you’ve built and taken care of your child the best you can. Your child is lucky to have a mom as strong as you! You will always protect and cherish your little ones but most importantly, don’t forget to take care of yourself too! Happy Mother’s Day!!!
About Paloma

Her name is Paloma but she answers to “Glitter Glucose!” A 29-year-old, full-time diabetes advocate from the USA, and was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes in April 2013. She created this persona 2 years later to connect with other people living with diabetes. Through her blog and Instagram page, she has been able to connect with people worldwide and share “me too’s”! She loves advocating, sharing her favorite products and tips for making life with diabetes a little brighter.