by Roos Busink | Aug 11, 2022 | Blog page
Everyone knows that Kaleido is one of the best-looking insulin pumps. It’s so beautiful. I was so happy when I was able to schedule my training to start using Kaleido again. Having been a full Kaleidoer for a few years – then not being one for a few months...
by Roos Busink | Jul 7, 2022 | Blog page
The K-Force is ready for the next phase! In April this year, we launched the first phase with our K-Force in the Netherlands. They’re a group of 35 former Kaleidoers who have volunteered to share their user experience with us to learn how our product is now...
by Roos Busink | Jun 29, 2022 | Blog page
So after all the prep – diabetes and otherwise – and a final moment of excitement due to that essential negative COVID test, the adventure finally begins! And how it began! I mean, travelling for 22 hours is never fun. Worrying about your bags getting lost...
by Roos Busink | Apr 6, 2022 | Blog page
Just to kick things off with the obvious: no, it’s not ideal timing to take a 6-month sabbatical in the midst of a pandemic. But let’s be honest: this pandemic thing has been going on for almost two years and most of us have been postponing lots of things because of...
by Roos Busink | Feb 21, 2022 | Blog page
The title of this blog might be a little baffling. It’s kind of unusual to associate the word “love” with diabetes. I got you with a catchy blog title! But, if our BGs fall between the lines, then sometimes we do experience a feeling of love for our diabetes –...
by Roos Busink | Feb 14, 2022 | Blog page
After being together for ten years, Bianca knew Maarten was going to propose to her. They were going on holiday to Aruba and she expected the proposal to happen in a suitably romantic spot. But right before their holiday, Maarten surprised her at the spot where she...
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