When people tell you how quickly your wedding day whooshes by, you never believe them. But before I knew it, the DJ was playing the last song and I was running from a conversation by the toilets to squeeze in one last dance with my husband before the lights came up and the night came to an end.
It went so fast
It was a spectacular whirlwind of a day, and if I’m honest I’m still piecing bits of it together. Trying to work out where pockets of time went and why I didn’t get to spend as much of it celebrating with my husband as I’d of liked. At first I blamed diabetes: it took a while for me to get into range with the excitement of the day. Then there were the drinks and the fact that I bolussed correction doses at times. When the canapés arrive and your handset is nowhere in sight, you’re fine going for that ‘after bolus’ right? But, in the end, my T1D really didn’t take up much time at all. A few people did tell me to get off my phone when I was checking my BGs or blousing. It was fun to see their surprise when they realised it was part of my diabetes management.
Something I will never forget from the day, is hearing my Mum’s speech. She spoke about my diabetes and all the wonderful gifts it has brought into my life. Looking around the room and seeing friends I’ve made through the diabetes community as she said all of this meant so much to me. I can’t deny that I was also a little shocked to discover my Mum reads my blog…
It was perfect
Our wedding day was everything we wanted it to be: people chatted, laughed, danced and celebrated. The atmosphere was full of love and happiness. I hope everyone who came, took a little of that home with them. But the day was so much more than that for Matt and I: not just the day we became Man and Wife, but the day we showed all of our friends and family how happy we make each other, how committed we are to each other and how unequivocally in love we are. The road to the wedding hasn’t always been the easiest, but Matt and I have gotten over the bumps together. Stronger, more appreciative of each other and definitely more in love… and I didn’t think I could love him more than I already do.
I’ll finish with an excerpt from my speech;
“Matt, thank you for handling my heart like it’s the FA cup. I promise to cherish yours like it’s a good cup of tea”
About Niki

Niki is mumma to Moomin and fiancé to Matt and has been the director of her type 1 diabetes since 2001. When she’s not hanging out with her family, working or planning the wedding of the year, she can be found writing about her life with T1D at whatnikididnext.wordpress.com Niki is also passionate about research and living well with diabetes.