What’s new?

Updates, musings and things that make us tick – keep up with the Kaleido HQ chatter!

An update about our comeback

An update about our comeback

In March, the world changed. Because of Covid-19, but also for us at ViCentra, the company behind Kaleido and for our dear Kaleido users. Ever since we’ve had to tell all our Kaleidoers to stop using their insulin pump, we’ve been working non-stop to get Kaleido back to them as soon as possible. We know it’s been hard, adjusting to a new form of insulin therapy,...

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What is insulin pump therapy?

What is insulin pump therapy?

For people with diabetes, insulin can be injected via a pen or an insulin pump. An insulin pump is a device (in our case small, just 50 x 35 x 12.5mm, and 9g!) that delivers continuous fast-acting insulin over 24 hours a day, and lasts for up to three days at a time. Taking away the need for multiple daily injections, and freeing up time and headspace! The dose can...

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Nurses make the difference

Nurses make the difference

The day before I started my new life as an adolescent in high school, I got diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. So I didn’t just start my high school career with a backpack full of books, but also an extra piece of baggage called diabetes. For years I tried to get rid of that baggage, which meant it took me a long time to start accepting my diabetes. Eventually, with...

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A fall-feast with Joy’s pumpkin chocolate chip blondies!

A fall-feast with Joy’s pumpkin chocolate chip blondies!

It’s been quite a year thus far, spending most of the time in some kind of limbo being unsure what’s next. Luckily, there are still some things in life you can be sure about! As leaves are falling, autumn’s calling! And autumn brings you the certainty of pumpkins being in season! Some of those certainties, those beacons, will be slightly more on ourselves this year....

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Thank you diabetes, for my diabuddies.

Thank you diabetes, for my diabuddies.

There’s nothing quite like a global pandemic to highlight what matters, or rather who matters most in your life. Amongst the reflections, the spotlight of unending gratitude inevitably falls on friendships. Very recently I have been reminded of how I came across the diabetes community. It was a friendship completely unrelated to diabetes in any form. A friendship I...

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Summer, hot weather and insulin pumps

Summer, hot weather and insulin pumps

The sizzling sunshine has us all digging out the t-shirts, shorts, sunnies and suncream from the back of the wardrobe. Hooray! But with hotter summer temperatures comes a bit of extra stuff to look out for as a person living with diabetes.   Hang on - there’s already enough to think about!   Right?! However, the...

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