About Diabetes
Let’s go back to basics: if you have diabetes it means something goes wrong with your insulin production. Depending on the type of diabetes you have, this might mean taking matters into your own hands 24/7, to make sure you’re getting the insulin you need. This happens with either multiple daily injections (MDI), or with an insulin pump system.
… But we’re guessing you already knew that.
For the inside scoop, take a walk through some of the posts below – all written by Kaleidoers and other people with diabetes. Super useful if you want to know more about life with diabetes.
Booze and the ‘betes
With the holidays arriving and the new year almost knocking on our doors, most of us will happily leave 2020 behind and forget all about it. But for some of us, 2020 has actually been the year of new opportunities. New babies coming into the world (either your own or from family members or friends), marriages and proposals (yes – those also still happened 😉), new...
Nurses make the difference
The day before I started my new life as an adolescent in high school, I got diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. So I didn’t just start my high school career with a backpack full of books, but also an extra piece of baggage called diabetes. For years I tried to get rid of that baggage, which meant it took me a long time to start accepting my diabetes. Eventually, with...
Thank you diabetes, for my diabuddies.
There’s nothing quite like a global pandemic to highlight what matters, or rather who matters most in your life. Amongst the reflections, the spotlight of unending gratitude inevitably falls on friendships. Very recently I have been reminded of how I came across the diabetes community. It was a friendship completely unrelated to diabetes in any form. A friendship I...
Summer, hot weather and insulin pumps
The sizzling sunshine has us all digging out the t-shirts, shorts, sunnies and suncream from the back of the wardrobe. Hooray! But with hotter summer temperatures comes a bit of extra stuff to look out for as a person living with diabetes. Hang on - there’s already enough to think about! Right?! However, the...
Language matters!
Being a ‘good diabetic’, striving for ‘optimal blood glucose management, being called ‘non-compliant’ or ‘poorly controlled’ by HCP’s. Just some words and sentences you might’ve heard as a person living with diabetes. All in a day’s work if you’re the manager to your own islets of Langerhans. But should that be? In 2018, the NHS published an extensive document all...
Daddy’s got diabetes
Ever since I was young, I knew a generic 9-to-5 job wouldn’t cut it for me. I despise the idea of working on set times, and having coffee and lunch breaks on the clock. Many years later I still don’t understand how people can keep up with that. When I was 15 years young, I ended up in inland shipping. I won’t say I got kicked out of school, but there was a kind...